The Young Women in Harmony program is supported by Sweet Adelines International, Regional Young Women in Harmony Coordinators and Chapter YWIH Representatives. Together, these volunteers are helping introduce barbershop singing to the next generation throughout our region and the world. Our chapters facilitate a cappella festivals and workshops, to invest in confident singers, preserve the barbershop harmony art form and keep chords ringing! Learn more about the resources available to support this program today.
Young Women In Harmony

Arrangers Development Program
Region 21 attributes much of the high level of success and dedication to establishing long-lasting mentoring relationships with beginning and intermediate arrangers. The world-class SouthWest Arranger Development Program is open to musicians at all levels of experience who want to hone their skills and learn the core tenets of arranging barbershop music. Whether you're brand new to arranging or a seasoned arranger looking to stay on top of best practices and trends, this program will support your goals.
Educational Downloads R21
Browse and download helpful resources for singers, sections and directors from past Region 21 Golden West educational events. Sessions are presented by a broad range of award-winning barbershop experts such as Sharon Babb, Patty Cobb Baker, Dale Syverson, Bonnie McKibben, Pam Pieson, Kathleen Hansen, Mo Field and many more. Downloads include supporting resources from Region 21's most requested sessions from Camp Orange Blossom, MusicFest, and Summer Seminars

Internationally Funded Visits
Internationally Funded Visits (IFV) are underwritten by Sweet Adelines International to assist choruses in our region with musical education, support and development. Region 21 Choruses may request a Region 21 faculty member visit for goal setting, leadership development, musical and visual coaching, administrative assistance or membership development. Internationally Funded Visits were created to ensure that every chorus has access to funding and quality barbershop educational support. Please contact international headquarters directly for guidance in scheduling an IFV.
Regional Music
Sweet Adelines International and each Region has a select number of barbershop arrangements designated as "Mass Sing" numbers in support of regional gatherings. The songs may be used at regional educations, for mic testers at conventions and competition and other educational events. Current regional mass songs are chosen by our directors at their annual education weekend. They aim to choose fun songs that are representative for barbershop, songs that are sung internationally, combined with a gem or two.

Director's Certification
The Director's Certification Program (DCP) is an educational home-study program designed to develop skills for Sweet Adelines International directors, potential directors and musical leaders. Much of the information featured within the Director's Certification Program Resource Modules is also recommended and useful for chorus members at all stages. Applicants to the Director's Certification Program must be active members in good standing with Sweet Adelines International.