Marcia Bosma
With years of Sweet Adeline experience, Marcia can help with chapter administration, presentation skills and tech issues. Contact: marcia@mbosma.com

Becky Eisenberg
Becky has contagious energy and is an excellent visual and choreography teacher. Contact:

Kathleen Hansen
Kathleen is a very experienced vocal musician who can help with all aspects of vocal and artistic development.

Bonnie McKibben
Bonnie's flair for innovative packages have garnered accolades for the choruses she directs. She can help with all phases of choral development.

Pam Pieson
Pam can greatly assist choruses in finding the heart of the song to consistently deliver the most invocative performance. She is skilled in coaching all phases of vocal performance. Contact: pampieson@aol.com

Lynne Smith
Lynne's energetic style and engaging enthusiasm help all performers with visual and performance and communication. Contact: enrgyenrgy@yahoo.com

Linda (Linny} Wells
Linny is the current Directors Certification Coordinator. Contact: dcpcoordinator@region21.org

Lee Ann Reichow
Lee Ann can assist choruses with internal and external communication tools, tech issues and graphic applications. Contact:

Patty Cobb-Baker
Patty is an award winning vocal and music coach. She can also help with leadership training and development. Contact: PattyCobb@aol.com

Jana Gutenson
Jana is an SAI Certified Music Judge. She can help choruses and quartets with all phases of vocal development. Contact: jgutenson@gmail.com

Susan Kegley
Susan has arranged many popular songs for choruses and quartets and can mentor aspiring arrangers. She is the current Region 21 Arranger Certification Coordinator. Contact: susankeg@comcast.com

Lori Lyford
Lori has directed the multi award winning Scottsdale chorus since 1993 and is one of the most sought after coaches in the Sweet Adeline world. Contact: llyfordssa@gmail.com

Alan Scott
Alan Scott is a talented musician and director. He has extensive theater and barbershop background and can assist choruses with all aspects of vocal performance. Contact: director@coachellaacappella.org

Theresa Weatherbee
Theresa has years of theater experience and brings a deep knowledge of stagecraft, visual communication and performance technique to her students. Contact: engageonstage@gmail.com

Claudia Cannon
Claudia has developed various tools and coaching curriculum to help choruses market themselves and grow their memberships. Contact claudiaclc@gmail.com
The talented volunteers serving as Region 21 faculty can assist with a wide range of programs to help our member choruses develop musically and administratively.
Setting the Stage for Success

Coaching Visits for Musical Excellence
Workshops on Membership Growth

Help with Marketing and Promotion

Leadership Training
How Our Faculty Can Help