Supporting Singers Across Four States in Perfect Harmony
In the southwestern United States, Region 21 serves as a cornerstone to Sweet Adelines International, a worldwide organization that exists to advance the musical art form of barbershop harmony through education and performance. With 16 active choruses and several new choruses in the formation process, Region 21 is known for vibrant, competitive choruses that boast the highest levels of musical excellence and dynamic, award-winning quartets. Region 21 represents choruses in New Mexico, Arizona, Southern California and Hawaii. The region hosts annual competitions for choruses and quartets, education events, workshops, coaching and much more.

Chorus Directory
Quartet Directory
Refer to our Region 21 Golden West Chorus Directory to learn more about each of our award-winning choruses. Spanning New Mexico, Arizona, southern California and Hawaii, our singers are talented, diverse and passionate!
The Quartets in Region 21 Golden West are known to bring their best, and set the bar for musical excellence high. Our award-winning quartets love to pay it forward and share our passion for introducing new generations to 4-part a cappella harmony.

Region 21’s Leadership is Noteworthy
The Regional 21 Management Team oversees all aspects of the Region's events and management, ranging from Spring Convention and Competition to educational events and workshops. RMT positions are volunteer, and members serve a two-year term. RMT Members should have a proven track record of planning, organizational and communication skills. They should be able to effectively work with members at all levels of the organization, motivate others and delegate. RMT positions require excellent listening skills, flexibility, open-mindedness and a positive, solutions-oriented approach. Each potential nominee must agree to comply with this attendance requirement at the time her qualifications are submitted to the Regional Nominating Committee.

The Young Women in Harmony program is supported by Sweet Adelines International, Regional Young Women in Harmony Coordinators and Chapter YWIH Representatives. Together, these volunteers are helping introduce barbershop singing to the next generation throughout our region and the world. Our chapters facilitate a cappella festivals and workshops, to invest in confident singers, preserve the barbershop harmony art form and keep chords ringing! Learn more about the resources available to support this program today.

Region 21 Golden West strives to create a culture that is welcoming to all, embracing diversity. Chorus and quartet membership is open to individuals of all ethnic and racial backgrounds, people with disabilities, members of the LGBTQ+ community and people from varied religions. We take an intentional approach to diversity and inclusion by partnering with Sweet Adelines International and each chorus within Region 21 Golden West.

About Sweet Adelines International
Region 21 Golden West is part of Sweet Adelines International. Sweet Adelines began in 1945 and is dedicated to preserving and celebrating the unique sound of a cappella barbershop harmony. Since it was established, Sweet Adelines has grown into a global organization of nearly 21,000 singers around the world. With an emphasis on empowering women, Sweet Adelines is a passionate advocate of musical education and the arts.