Sweet Adelines International
Sweet Adelines International is a musical force in the United States and around the world. The organization is headquartered in Tulsa, Oklahoma where it was founded in 1945. This nonprofit music education organization is one of the world's largest singing organizations for women, encompassing more than 25,000 members, 1,200 registered quartets, and 600 choruses in the United States, Australia, Canada, England, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Scotland, Sweden, The Netherlands, and Wales.
More information is available on the International website by visiting
Young Singers Foundation
Since 1992, the Young Singers Foundation has been enriching the lives of young people through educational programs in vocal music. The Foundation is currently accepting applications for grants to support projects which encourage education about and the performance of women’s barbershop vocal music. Grant amounts will be determined on a project-by-project basis. Since its creation, the YSF has helped many individuals, groups and organizations in changing young people’s lives through music.
For more information visit
Deke Sharon
Deke Sharon is an American singer, arranger, composer, director, producer and teacher of a cappella music. Deke is often referred to as ‘the father of contemporary a cappella.” He is considered one of the most prolific arrangers in contemporary a cappella, with more than 2,000 arrangements to his name. Deke founded the Contemporary A Cappella Society while in college and is responsible for many seminal a cappella programs. He served as music director, arranger and coach on television’s popular The Sing-Off and was the music director and arranger of Pitch Perfect 1, 2 and 3.
For more details about Deke, visit
National Association of Music Education (NAfME)
National Association for Music Education (NAfME), among the world’s largest arts education organizations, is the only association that addresses all aspects of music education. NAfME advocates at the local, state, and national levels; provides resources for teachers, parents, and administrators; hosts professional development events; and offers a variety of opportunities for students and teachers. The Association has supported music educators at all teaching levels for more than a century.
For more information visit
ML3 Solutions
ML3 Solutions is a coaching and consulting firm created to help organizations develop their leadership capacity. This includes strategic thinking, planning, organizational alignment, team building and coaching of individual leaders. ML3 has had the pleasure of serving the Region 21 Leadership team, as well as partnering with multiple choruses in Region 21.
Learn more about our services and story online at