Internationally Funded Visits (IFV) are underwritten by Sweet Adelines International and support choruses in our region with musical education and development. Chapters are limited to up to 2 Internationally Funded Visits per year. Region 21 Choruses may request a Region 21 faculty member visit for goal setting, leadership development, musical and visual coaching, administrative assistance or membership development.

Region 21 is allotted 15 Internationally funded visits from SAI in each fiscal year. Choruses may request up to two visits per year. The goal of Internationally Funded Visits is to ensure that every chorus needing a visit receives one and that all the available funding is used. Two internationally funded visits are available per year (maximum two years) for chapters in revitalization. The regional management team chooses the coach based on chorus need and faculty availability.

Prospective chapters require two musical and two administrative visits in order to fulfill chartering requirements. Typically, one visit would occur when the chapter is in Step One and one would occur when the chapter is in Step Two. If necessary, a third musical visit may be granted with permission from SAI. Musical visits should be made by the Education Coordinator or her designee. Administrative visits are made by the Membership Coordinator or her designee.

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The faculty member will provide three (3) hours of coaching, PVIs, or administrative consultation with the chorus. The chorus will be required to provide lodging and meals as necessary. If the faculty member provides additional services outside of that 3-hour time frame, he/she should be compensated at his/her normal coaching rate, to be negotiated on an individual basis.
In fairness to our Regional Faculty members, International Funded Visits cannot be combined. That is, you cannot schedule a 6-hour coaching session as two 3-hour IFV. In that case, you could have 3 hours as an IFV and compensate the Faculty member at her regular rate for the other 3 hours.
The chorus will be required to provide lodging and meals as necessary.
Internationally funded visits should not be used for “get acquainted” visits.
Please follow the link above to read the most recent directives and consult International Headquarters for any questions you have.