Simply A Cappella is a chapter chorus of Sweet Adelines International, a worldwide, non-profit organization of singers who further the musical form of barbershop harmony through education and performances.
Chartering in 1992 as Fiesta Chorus, we changed our name in 2011 to Southwest Vocal Project, and in 2016, the name Simply A Cappella was chosen to better reflect who we are and what we do As Simply A Cappella, we have continued to thrive, sharing our love of barbershop harmony and each other. We also enjoy competing in the annual Region 21 competition, winning the First Place Small Chorus, Most Improved Chorus, and Fourth Place overall Chorus in 2019.
February 1, 1992

Mesa, AZ
Simply A Cappella

Wendi Young
During her 37 years in Sweet Adelines, Wendi Young has been choreographer, costume designer, and Assistant Director for three Directors.
Wendi sang with the Scottsdale Chorus and earned two silver medals and a gold. She enjoys singing tenor in a competing quartet that has sung at International six times. Wendi says, “There is no greater pleasure than ringing chords, unless it's teaching others the art of barbershop!” Wendi has been the Director of Simply A Cappella for two years and looks forward to the future of helping this chorus reach new heights and ring those chords!

Beverley Sherwood

Wendi Young
Chorus Director

Laurie Suprock
Team Leader/Secretary

Michele Baldwin
Membership Chair

Peach Kraft
Marketing Chair


2019 Fourth Place Chorus
2023 Third Place Small Chorus

Coming Soon!