We are the Honolulu Blend Show Chorus, an a cappella chorus singing 4-part harmony in the barbershop style. We are a diverse group of women welcoming members from different ethnic and racial backgrounds, people with disabilities, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and people from varied religions. With a wide range of musical experience and backgrounds, we enjoy singing for a variety of events in our local community and on the competition stage. We are a chapter of Sweet Adelines, International and a proud member of Golden West Region 21.
February 24, 2012

Honolulu, HI
Honolulu Blend Show Chorus

Stephanie Brictson
Master Director
Stephanie is thrilled to be able to bring her 30 plus years of experience in SAI to Honolulu Blend! She is an award winning SAI master director, and quartet singer, who has a passion for helping singers and ensembles achieve their personal best. She has coached ensembles of all sizes on the East Coast and mid-West. She believes that barbershop is a unique art form that can touch people's lives in a positive way and have an impact on future generations. Through her work with youth programs and projects she hopes to help develop young people as musicians, performers and dedicated singing members. Family is important to Stephanie - starting with her father who is a retired Singing Judge in BHS, all the way to her two year old granddaughter who prompted her move to Hawaii. While music education is a high priority for her, sharing the joy of singing and making people happy is her ultimate goal as a director. We will laugh, we will sing, and we will be challenged as we learn and grow as artists!


Deb Straight
Team Coordinator

Rachel Knapstein
Publicity Chair

Gail Higaki
Finance Coordinator

Noel Eto
Membership Coordinator

Rachel Knapstein



Coming Soon!