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Solo Voce Hosts 2022 Music on the Porch Day

Writer's picture: claudiacannon8claudiacannon8

It only takes only four talented and passionate singers to organize and bring together a very large group of other passionate singers who have been dying to get on a stage.

Solo Voce is exactly that Region 21 quartet. A couple of years ago, with very little singing going on, they did their first Make Music on the Porch Day. That first year they sang on actual porches, three to be exact, but in the words of Lead, Tracey Sandberg, that was "two porches too many". Since Tracey had recently become a homeowner in Harmony Grove, a beautiful neighborhood in San Diego's north county, she was able to book the community park for the following year. On August 28, 2022, the event was held again in this venue and an explosion of different groups for all over Southern California gathered to share a two-hour program of a capella music.

Region 21 was well represented by three choruses; OC Sound, San Diego and Vista Hills with quartets, Dragonfly, Solo Voce, Nick of Time, So Noted, Sidekicks and one so new they haven't a name yet. Kim Vaughn and husband Dale were onstage in the mixed quartet MX. Motley Q, a mixed quartet with Tracey as its tenor, entertained. The Pandemics, a San Diego Chorus ensemble born in a backyard during Covid restrictions, were there, too. Singers from all over the Region performed under the direction of Bonnie McKibben in the mixed chorus Pacific Coast Harmony.

Rounding out the day were representatives from the Barbershop Harmony Society. A highlight was a joint finale featuring Solo Voce and Region 11 medalist quartet, Troubadour. At day's end the entire group gathered for a photo and then followed Harborlites Director Pam Piesen and OC Sound Director Bonnie McKibben under the iron canopy to sing a couple of songs together. The ring under there is amazing.

We thank Hannah French for a huge collection of memorable photos. Next year's event is already booked for the last Saturday in August 2023.


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