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Region 21 Makes History

Writer's picture: claudiacannon8claudiacannon8

The Region 21 Contest 2022 is a wrap! After a two-year hiatus of both Regional and International competitions caused by the Covid pandemic, contestants were able to create a video entry in all categories. Golden West Region 21 made history as the first region wide video competitor.

All through last summer and fall, the Regional Management Team worked on plans for a glorious in-person contest for 2022 in Albuquerque. We were first up in the Sweet Adelines International season schedule, and hours of time and effort went into planning for every contingency, to safely meet, live, for the first time since 2019. Then came Omicron. As the virus rolled through into January and quartets and choruses were still hindered with restricted rehearsal time and space, it became apparent that we just would not be ready for a live contest. The last week in January was pivotal for several regions across Sweet Adelines as we each made the decision to switch to a virtual contest.

Chorus and quartet competitors huddled. Guidelines for the virtual contest were studied. Advice was solicited from coaches, international leaders, and tech experts. One by one, each chorus and quartet in the region made their decision to compete or not to compete. Competition Coordinator Lou Gordon got to work on new plans to assist each competitor with their video submissions and assembled her team to celebrate the contest results with a virtual webinar.

On March 19th, an excellent judging panel reviewed each video performance. On March 20th, well over 400 members from the region, friends, family, and barbershoppers from around the world logged in to hear the results and watch the performances. There were watch parties with food and libations as we celebrated and made history with this first ever virtual Sweet Adeline region-wide contest.

Master 700 Director Lori Lyford summed up this one of kind experience saying "After we came back to in-person rehearsals, we've taken a look at the contest experience from a new perspective. It's not about the competition, it's about SINGING, TOGETHER. We are now a different Scottsdale than the one that entered the pandemic shutdown in March of 2020. We are proud of who we are now and look forward to more changes in the future."

Our gold medalist quartet, Soirée, will compete in Phoenix in the 74th Annual Sweet Adelines Convention and Competition. The Scottsdale Chorus will represent us in Louisville, KY in the 75th contest in 2023.

2022 Region 21 Video Competition Results

Congratulations to all Region 21 Quartets and Choruses that competed in this year's video contest.

Quartet Placement Results Fifth - U.Q. Fourth - Solo Voce Third - Muse Second - Girls Night Out First - Soirée

Division A (Small) Chorus Placement Results Third - Vista Hills Chorus Second - Simply A Capella Chorus First - Enchanted Mesa Show Chorus

Overall Chorus Placement Results Fourth - Vista Hills Chorus Third - Simply A Capella Chorus Second - Enchanted Mesa Show Chorus First - Scottsdle Chorus

Specialty Quartet Award Results Novice - The Trouble with Treble Platinum - Muse


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